Mocha Clownfish
Mocha Clownfish
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Mocha Clownfish
Mocha is a hatchery-bred cross between two color varieties of the common ocellaris clown – the black and white ocellaris and the orange and white ocellaris. The resulting offspring of this pairing is a beautiful fish with a color that when young resembles the orange ocellaris and becomes more burnt or rust orange color with age. Although similar in color to the SA Fancy ocellaris in having the darker outline on the fins, the Mocha typically has a more uniform dark orange color without the extensive black color development seen in the SA Fancy. The Mocha offers the hobbyist something a little different and is a great value. This clownfish is an aggressive eater.
- Scientific Name: Amphiprion Ocellaris
- Max Size: 3 inches
- Food: meaty foods and frozen herbivore preparations.
- Approximate size: 1 to 2 inches