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All fish come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee for Live Arrival....
From spots to whiskers these catfish are popular exotic fish. African catfish...
African Cichlids can be aggressive to smaller Asian and South American species....
African Oddballs in-stock ready to ship! We specialize in importing and housing...
Freshwater algae eaters eat one or both filamentous (hair) algae and surface...
This is our live inventory of Angelfish in our aquarium warehouse. Found...
AquariumFish.com specializes in importing and housing exotic freshwater species. These “oddballs” are...
Generally barbs are mid-size schooling fish, slightly more aggressive than tetras and...
AquariumFish.com works with a Thailand breeder to deliver larger and more colorful...
Cory catfish are found in still or slow moving clear waters in...
Aquariumfish.com offers danios at the lowest prices as many of these species...
Discus are type of cichlid found throughout the Amazon River basin. While...
Fancy goldfish are true cold blooded creatures and their aquariums do not...
These gentle creatures are great inhabitants of large fish aquariums. They require...
Freshwater flounders are so odd they get their very own private collection...
GloFish were created in Asia by splicing the genes of Zebra Danios...
Freshwater gobies swim like their salt water cousins and most have beautiful...
Gourami, also called anabantids, are hardy fish and friendly aquatic companions, unless...
The guppy was the most popular fish in the USA aquarium hobby...
Freshwater invertebrates include clams, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, and snails. Prices will vary...
Killifish, with the exception of the Pike Killifish, are smaller species and...
Koi are the jewels of the outdoor pond and their colors are...
Freshwater Asian Loaches come in all kinds of patterns, prices, and sizes....
Aquarium lobsters are bred for color and are every bit as beautiful...
The molly is a livebearer that originated in Mexico and Central America...
Platies are common and popular live bearers for the community and planted...
The Plecostomus catfish, or pleco, are famous scavenging fish. Generally omnivores, some,...
Rasboras are the schooling jewels of small aquariums. LIke tetra, these fish...
Snails are available in several separate species groups. The nerite snails are...
South American cichlids are generally tolerant of other fish groups, so unlike...
AquariumFish.com works with importers near the LAX airport to bring a wide...
Swordtails are a group of colorful and active livebearers found throughout Central...
Tetras are schooling fish so we recommend a purchase of at least...