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Saltwater angelfish can be found in shallow reefs around the tropical belt,...
Saltwater anthias are small and so colorful, they almost glow. These fish...
Saltwater blennies and saltwater gobies are in the same aquatic family, but...
Saltwater butterflyfish for sale on AquariumFish.com look similar to marine angelfish with...
Saltwater Cardinal Fish on AquariumFish.com are small schooling fish very suited to...
Corals and anemones are integral members of the live reef aquarium. AquariumFish...
Saltwater clownfish, or anemonefish, are the most popular reef tank species and...
Saltwater Damselfish and Chromis fish are popular for their big bold colors...
There are more the 2,000 saltwater gobies and 200 of these species...
Saltwater aquarium fish such as Hawkfish, similar to Scorpion Fish, are small...
Saltwater invertebrates include shrimp, crabs, snails and corals. These are natures aquarium...
Pufferfish have four large teeth to crush their foods and a unique...
Tangs are colorful aggressive large community aquarium fish that are hardy and...
Triggerfish are named after a sharp dorsal spine which can raised, or...
Wrasse fish are active colorful additions to marine aquariums. In the wild,...