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Freshwater fish

L-135 Candy Stripe Pleco

L-135 Candy Stripe Pleco

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L-135 Candy Stripe Pleco

Plecostomus are a specialty of Aquarium Fish Sale.  These catfish originate in South America and many colors, sizes, and patterns can be found – so many that common names often aren’t enough to identify one pleco from another, so in 1988 a tropical fish magazine in Germany called DATZ assigned “L” numbers to distinguish species. Though about as scientific and chiropractic medicine, the system works. We carry a couple plecos that have not been assigned their L number, but the Germans are a cautious folk and we are sure they will get around to it in a precise and correct manner. Medium size is 2” to 3”. Most plecos do better with a little driftwood in the tank.

In full disclosure even the fish mongers have trouble telling the clown pleco from the candy strip pleco (candy stripe plecos should have narrower orange bands). Often one is sent instead of the other, both both plecos are gentle, attractive scavengers that go well in planted aquariums and community aquariums. These fish live a long time and do not outgrow even a small aquarium tank.

  • Scientific name: PECKOLTIA VITTATA L-135
  • Origin: Columbia
  • Lifespan: 7 Years
  • Max size:  4 inch
  • Food: Live, frozen, flake
  • Shipping Size: Approx. 2 inches
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