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Freshwater fish

Giant Bumblebee Catfish

Giant Bumblebee Catfish

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Giant Bumblebee Catfish

The giant bumblebee catfish is also called the Jelly Cat, but we think the first name fits better. These catfish from Venezuela are a great addition to an aquarium because they are actually quite peaceful. Jelly cats eat frozen foods and sinking pellets and only grow to around eight inches. The fish gets along with anything it can't fit in its mouth - and it is not the type to chase for its food. In the wild, jelly cats lay in slow moving streams and use their color pattern and camouflage to allow the current to bring small prey to their mouths. In the fish tank they will lay around all day like sleeping old cats. At night they prowl around for anything they can eat that  - doesn't give them much of a chase.

  • Scientific name: Pseudopimelodus bufonius
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Lifespan: 20 years
  • Max size: 12 inches
  • Food: Frozen, small live feeders, pellets
  • Shipping Size: Approx. 7 inches
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