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Freshwater fish

German Blue Ram

German Blue Ram

Regular price 12.89
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German Blue Ram

The german blue ram was bred in Germany a generation ago to provide a more colorful and hardier ram for the aquarium trade. Ram is short for the species name “ramireze”, but also reminiscent of their tendency to butt heads like a terrestrial ram. These are beautiful fish whether captured bred for color, such as german blue rams, or wild such as Bolivian rams. They are peaceful, hardy, and get along with other community species (except colorful fancy shrimp - they like them so much they eat them).

  • Scientific Name: Microgeophagus ramireze
  • Origin: South America
  • Lifespan: 4 years
  • Max Size: 3 inches
  • Food: Flake, live, frozen
  • Shipping Size: Approx: 1 1/2 inches
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