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Freshwater fish

Cory Adolfoi

Cory Adolfoi

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Adolfoi Cory

Adolfoi cory are so named for the mask across their face. These are wild caught in Brazil in slow moving streams. Adolfoi cory, once commonly called Adolfo's Catfish, have black markings similar to the bandit cory, but with a bold orange splash in front of the dorsal fin. The corys spend most of their time in a pack using their barbels to search for food in the gravel or sand. Please use caution when handling any cory since the barbs can poke and contain a small amount of venom that will sting a bit.  These tank raised cory adolfoi are coming in small, only about a half inch - but hardy!

  • Scientific Name: Corydoras adolfoi
  • Origin: South America
  • Lifespan:  8 years
  • Max Size: 2 inches
  • Food: Flake, live, frozen
  • Shipping Size: Approx.  1 inch 
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