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Freshwater fish

Elephant Nose Fish

Elephant Nose Fish

Regular price 43.49
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Elephant Nose Fish

The elephant nose evolved to locate prey through a low voltage electric field. This takes a Lot of brain power so in one aspect these fish have a higher brain mass to body weight than humans or dolphins. There has never been a report that anyone has successfully applied for their assistance with homework. However, most agree that they are a fascinating feature in the tank.  They do need live and/or frozen foods, not known as flake or pellet eaters. We feed frozen blood worms to our elephants.

  • Origin: West Africa
  • Lifespan: 12 years
  • Max size: 10 inches
  • Food: Live black worms, frozen blood worms, maybe freeze dried blood worms
  • Shipping Size:  Approx. 4 inches 
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