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Freshwater fish

Dorado Catfish

Dorado Catfish

Regular price 113.49
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Dorado Catfish

The Dorado Catfish, or the Golitath Gilded Cat, is one of the largest known catfish in the World. This catfish also holds the record for the longest freshwater fish migration - form the spawning areas are the foothills of Peru to the deep waters of the Amazon, 7000 miles. Though the Dorado catfish will grow to six feet in the wild, these wild catfish seldom top three feet in the aquarium. At the juvenile stage the Dorado sport very long whiskars and tail filaments and make a very pretty addition to the fish tank. Remember these start very small and will require frozen blood worms and maybe some live feeder guppies. 

  • Scientific name:  Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii
  • Origin: Peru  
  • Max Size:  50 inches
  • Life span: 22 years
  • Food: Live feeders, scavanger, sinking pellets, frozen 
  • Shipping Size: Approx. 2 inch body plus tail
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